WElcome to
Radix Health Michigan
-Richard Keith
Certified Radix® Practitioner & Personal Life Coach
How I can Help You Discover & Forge Your Own Path?
Radix® Bodywork
There are a variety of methods used within the work to address these themes, including movement, visualization and intentional touch. Yet a trained practitioner can effect change and growth during a verbal interchange when his or her interventions are guided by an understanding of the Radix process in the individual.
As a Life Coach Counselor and Radix Practitioner...
I help to facilitate an integrated approach to emotional health and toward one’s ability to live fully in the world. My goal as a practitioner is to create a supportive environment in which an individual who works with me can explore their emotional needs and overcome barriers that limit their full potential.
I approach every client with an open-minded approach to their wellness, while considering their work life, family traditions, cultural roots, spiritual beliefs, gender and sexual identity. I offer sessions for individuals and group work as well.
Helping You Achieve Life Success
Realize your Full Potential.
Be More Alive.
Radix is a regulatory approach both in theory and practice.
Our primary focus is working with the pulsation of the life force in the body/mind. In a practical sense, Radix practitioners focus on the many subtle ways that clients interrupt this pulsation in feeling, thinking and behavior, either by becoming more rigid or by going into chaos. In particular Radix practitioners are skilled in emotional regulation; they understand the long range health benefits of facilitating either
emotional expression or containment.
Learn to think more clearly and feel more fully!
Experience and learn the building blocks of Self-Esteem
Learn to respond to your higher, more grounded self
Discover how the capacity for resolution is the building block for better, long lasting relationships
The flow of the radix is the basis for all other Radix concepts. As a Radix practitioner I am always observing and working with this energetic flow…
Understanding Interpersonal Relationships is achieved with a self understanding of our Core Feelings: Anger and Love, Pain and Pleasure, Fear and Trust…
Self - Esteem and Anxiety
Many people who experience low self-esteem experience anxiety, especially social anxiety. Frequently, this is a consequence of the social evaluative aspect of self-esteem…
Feeling and Purpose
In establishing future goals, we are
often confronted not only with external challenges, but with internal blocks and
resistence to change and/or to take necessary risks.
Who is Radix For?
Why a Somatic approach?
The effects of receiving somatic bodywork can aid individuals in coping with and managing anxiety and depression. When emotions are left unresolved over long periods of time, or when they result from a particularly stressful or traumatic event, they can become causes of illness. Unresolved emotions can also result from an imbalanced flow of energy, as well as lead to an ongoing imbalance.
Whats the Benefit of Regular Radix Work?
Research has repeatedly shown significant decreases in levels of anxiety and depression in individuals receiving regular bodywork. In these studies, decreased levels of anxiety and depression persisted for weeks following the sessions.
Is this Approach Effective in Enhancing my Life?
What Signs will Show Me My Life is Getting Better?
Why is Breath and Respiration so Important?
Why Do We Emphasis Vision Work in Radix?
Radix: An Educational Approach to Health and Wellbeing
– Denise S.
Online Resources and Radix Group Information

A Powerful Guide to Self-Esteem
Order this definitive work on Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden, a pioneer in the field.
There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.
– NB

My Incredible Talking Body: Learning to Be Calm.
By cultivating mindfulness of the body’s signals about feelings, this book encourages acceptance of all types of emotions and helps kids identify various tools and strategies for staying calm as well as being able to self manage anxiety.

Radix® Groups and Workshops
A distinguishing feature of Radix work is that it may be done not only in individual sessions, but also in workshops, classes, and groups.
Go to the link to find out about Groups and workshops that are available to attend.
Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.
– Andrea Roth
WORKING WITH TRAUMA: “When you’re traumatized you’re afraid of what you’re feeling, because your feeling is always terror, or fear or helplessness. Body-based techniques help you feel what’s happening in your body, and to breathe into it and not run away from it. So you learn to befriend your experience.” – Bessel van der Kolk, MD Clinical psychiatrist and World’s leading trauma expert Author of The Body Keeps the Score
INCREASED AWARENESS: “If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.”
– Brené Brown Daring Greatly