Radix Groups and Workshops

More about Radix® Michigan


Radix® Workshops & Classes:

Below you will find a list of some of the forthcoming events sponsored by Radix practitioners.
The list is organized by date with ongoing events at the end of the listings.
If you would like to be on a mailing list for information on workshops, send an inquiry to information@radix.org

New Forest, England

Radix Experiential Workshops:
For more information and to register e-mail bookings@londonradix.cc

Québec, Canada

Hélène Harvey conducts regular workshops (en francais) in Québec. For complete information and registration please email Hélène or call 418-802-9355.

Miami, Florida

Ellen Brazer, LMHC, conducts day-long Saturday workshops every other month in
North Miami.
Call or email Ellen Brazer for more information.
(305) 947-9211

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