1 on 1 Sessions and Groups Available with Richard Keith C.R.T.
Life, Health and Living WellSee Below to Get Started…
Feeling More Deeply
By breathing more deeply, allowing a deeper experience of our natural pulsation, we are more in touch with our core feelings,,,
Relationship Coaching
By building our self-esteem and becoming more accepting of our body and feelings we can learn to communicate to our partner, friends and family our more authentic self…
Exploring Self-Esteem
Most of us have some level of self esteem, often we are lacking in a particular area of our lives… for some of us its on a professional level, our ability to commit to a suitable career or for some, to establish long-term relationships.
Our Core Purpose
Our purpose is what underneath any facade or mask we may deny a goal that we could be passionate about… an integrated response to life and love that leaves us satisfied and connected.
Helping You Find a Deeper Sense of Life and Fulfillment
Learn how we block emotions and how we can learn to unblock them in a supportive environment
We learn to control the flow of our life energy to block the awareness and expression of emotions. Radix work helps free these blocks so that the energy pulsates freely. With this freedom comes an ability to know what one is feeling and to express it or contain it as appropriate.
For some people blocking this flow can be more difficult. People can feel overwhelmed by their emotions or feel there is no separation between themselves and others. Radix can assist people to become conscious of these processes so they can control the flow of the radix, containing emotions, building healthy boundaries or assisting people to be firmly grounded in life.
How do we Integrate Radix® Feeling Work and Self-Esteem Based Life Coaching?
Expanding Our Capacity for Boundaries and Containment.
The degree to which we can express ourselves and participate in the world in a fulfilling way is affected by our sense of a ‘boundary ‘between us and the rest of the world, including the people around us. Although there are times when we want to merge with others, for example in intimate sexual encounters, most of the time it is beneficial to our functioning to have a boundary, a sense of where we end and another starts. This can be true emotionally, physically, psychologically or spiritually.
Similarly, sometimes we judge it appropriate to express our feelings. At other times, we need to contain them. When we contain them we acknowledge the experience but choose not to act on or express the feelings. This is a very conscious process, in contrast to repression, which is unconscious.
Understanding the Six Pillars of Self-Esteem as an Integrative Tool.
The root of our need for self-esteem is the need for a consciousness to learn to trust itself. And the root of the need to learn such trust is the fact that consciousness is volitional: we have the choice to think or not to think. We control the switch that turns consciousness brighter or dimmer. We are not rational – that is, reality-focused – automatically. This means that whether we learn to operate our mind in such a way as to make ourselves appropriate to life is ultimately a function of our choices. Do we strive for consciousness or for its opposite? For rationality or its opposite? For coherence and clarity or their opposite? For truth or its opposite? – Nathaniel Branden
Benefits of Mind/Body Integration
A great deal of emphasis in Radix bodywork is on teaching you to observe and work with bodily processes. However, a significant goal of the work is to integrate the body and mind or rather thinking, feeling and behavior. The specific principles of how this is conveyed in each individual session or group experience… with some of us, this is achieved by developing and building the on, our experience of our body as a container. At another time this will be achieved by facilitating emotional expression or experience. At all times, we work tward congruence, a working partnership, between the body and the mind. They are different expressions of the same radix substratum.
What About Emotional Experience and Expression?
You will notice, I hope, that nowhere in this description of the goals of Radix is there mention of discharge of emotions or emotional release or emotional work as a primary goal of our work. Radix training teaches you to work with emotional experience and expression better than any other therapy that I have encountered. However, emotional expression and release is not a primary goal of the work.
For clients to become more conscious of what they do, think and feel, and for them to truly engage with life with a sense of choice and body-mind integration, most need to focus, at some stage, on what they think and do with their emotions. In our society, the importance of emotions for fulfilled and functional living is still so poorly understood. This is why in order to achieve the above goals, we as Radix teachers often find ourselves working with clients on emotional issues and helping them obtain this knowing. So a large part of Radix training focuses on how to work effectively with emotions. However this is to achieve the larger goals of consciousness, aliveness, choice and integration.
How Do I know If Radix is Right Path For Me?
Radix Work is a powerful yet gently applied methodology to set the stage of your life towards a greater sense of self-fullfulment. How do I know? Every Radix practitioner goes through this process and learning as part of there training and is required for Certification and more advanced work at the Radix Institute.
If you feel "stuck", perhaps you tried other approaches...
There is nothing more frustrating than feeling “stuck” and on a train to no-where in our lives… Radix work engages us in process that informs us on a wholistic and self-empowering journey of self-learning.
A Free Consultation helps you make the decision for yourself...
The very experiential nature of Radix Work is difficult to convey without direct experience. It would be like trying to get the benefits of excercise by just watching an exercise video without doing the actual exercise.
There is a lot of information on this website with links...
Please feel free to go through this website and get back to me with any questions you may have…
My Approach
As a Life Coach Counselor and Radix Practitioner…
I help to facilitate an integrated approach to emotional health and toward one’s ability to live fully in the world. My goal as a practitioner is to create a supportive environment in which an individual who works with me can explore their emotional needs and overcome barriers that limit their full potential. I approach every client with an open-minded approach to their wellness, while considering their work life, family traditions, cultural roots, spiritual beliefs, and sexual identity. I offer sessions for individuals and group work as well.

How this program can Work for you…
Schedule a Free 1:1
Choose a FREE Introductory Consultation. Learn more about Radix® Somatic Work and how it can help you. It is an Opportunity to ask questions and pose any concerns you may have.
This offer is also available for a
Acu-Responsive Healing Treatment.
An affordable Coaching Plan
Combine and create an integrated
program of Life Coaching, Radix® Bodywork and focused
Acu-Somatic Healing Work.
I will assist you in working out
a detailed plan at our initial meeting.
Reach Your Goals
Personal growth always includes risk. By making a commitment,
focusing on defining your goals, and setting goals that allow for
self discovery… this may include, defining new goals, and experiencing a new emotional capacity.
10 Session Life Coaching and Radix® personalized
Growth Package
Individual 60 min. sessions are $80. Start with my 10 Session introduction package and save $100, total. This initial 10 session package will get you on
More Details
Our Life Coaching and Radix® sessions together will help you discover your ability to improve your relationships, make realistic commitments and manage your life effectively so you can feel good about yourself throughout your day.
We do this through focusing on:
- Aligning values and prioritizing goals
- Developing action plans to achieve your goals and emotional connectedness
- Identifying and removing the obstacles currently holding you back
- Setting boundaries to feel good about how you spend your time
18 Session Life Coaching and Radix® personalized
Growth Package
Individual 60 min. sessions are $80. Start or continue with my 18 Session package and save $270, total. This 18 session package will get you on your way to accomplishing some of your Initial goals and/or finalizing the first steps in the process.
More Details
Our Life Coaching and Radix® sessions together will help you discover your ability to improve your relationships, make realistic commitments and manage your life effectively so you can feel good about yourself throughout your day.
We do this through focusing on:
- Aligning values and prioritizing goals
- Developing action plans to achieve your goals and emotional connectedness
- Identifying and removing the obstacles currently holding you back
- Setting boundaries to feel good about how you spend your time
Groups and Workshops
I am in the process of planning ongoing groups and workshops for 2019.
Register here to get our schedule via email on a regular schedule.
More Details
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